Sunday, September 11, 2011

Research Exploration

When asked to explore what topic I would like to write about on my research paper for the class I began to think about things that would intrigue me.  One of the things that came to my mind at first was advertisement.  Even though I am a engineering major and not really a marketing or advertisement major, I am still interested about how advertisement is used in today's society, specially in the United States.

One of the big things I want to explore on this topic is the idea of visual persuasion in advertisement.  I would also like to talk about how much of what is said is true in advertisement and about how much of it is omitted from the public.  In addition, I want to research about how the government helps to protect its people from fraudulent advertisement.

Something that got me into wanting to talk about advertisement was the fact that i had recently seen The Greatest Movie Ever Sold, a documentary on advertisement and its subliminal messaging in movies, also known as product placement.  The documentary really opened my eyes to the reality of advertisement and I feel that it is something that everyone should know about.

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